District heating network Allgäu Airport

Following the takeover of the local heating network at Memmingen Airport, the district heating lines have been continuously renovated and reinforced since 2018. In the course of the development of the Memmingerberg special area, the network was expanded and new connection customers were acquired.

South of the runway, a district heating network was also expanded during the development of the IGP Hawangen Benningen area. To supply the southern area, the connection of the two networks was implemented in 2020. This ensures a sustainable and, above all, secure heat supply for the entire airport area.




Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport


Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport


Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Heizhaus Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Heizhaus Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Heizhaus Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Heizhaus Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

District heating network Allgäu Airport

Fernwärmenetz Allgäu Airport

IMG_0329 1-2