District heating network | Memmingen
Buzil-Werk Wagner GmbH & Co. KG
As a company committed to sustainability, Buzil-Werk Wagner GmbH & Co. KG relies on the district heating supply and the energy concept of e-con AG. The manufacturer of cleaning products is thus able to cover its entire heating requirements at the Memmingen site on Fraunhoferstraße with climate-friendly heat and save 440 tons of CO2 annually.
The heart of the heat supply in the Memmingen industrial park is the heating plant, which generates environmentally friendly heat from regional biomass and has an output of around 17 megawatts.
District heating
- Supplying the site (13,000 square meters) with sustainable and climate-friendly heat
- Transfer station 1,000 kW
Heating plant
- Woodchip boiler with 3,300 kW
- 2 peak load boilers with a total of 13,000 kW