From left: Andreas Müller, CEO of Alois Müller GmbH, Thomas Henkel, Head of Dachser’s Allgäu Logistics Center, and Peter Waizenegger, Member of the Management Board of e-con AG.
Heating plant and district heating network of e-con AG ensure sustainable and climate-friendly heat supply in Dachser’s new warehouse building in Memmingen
As a company committed to sustainability, Dachser has been relying on the district heating supply and energy concepts of e-con AG for more than ten years at its Memmingen site. The successful cooperation will also be continued for the new construction of the 7,500-square-meter warehouse in Tschernihiwstrasse in Memmingen’s North Industrial Estate. Like the existing logistics center, the warehouse will be connected to the e-con AG heating plant via the district heating network and supplied with regenerative heat from there. For this purpose, the network extension with a length of approx. 1,000 meters was carried out in the last few months.
However, the connection to the district heating network and the generation of environmentally friendly heat from regional biomass is only one part of e-con AG’s sustainable and energy-efficient energy concept. The energy required for the operation of the high-bay warehouse is mainly generated by the company itself via a photovoltaic system with an output of almost 1,000 kW. At times when the photovoltaic system does not supply enough power, the warehouse then obtains CO2-neutral electricity from 100 percent hydropower. “Thanks to the energy concept of e-con AG, we are already saving more than 400 tons of CO2 per year compared to a conventional energy supply. When the new building is completed, we will save another 500 tons of CO2,” says Thomas Henkel, head of Dachser’s Allgäu logistics center, emphasizing the high priority the company attaches to sustainability.
The heart of the heat supply in the Memmingen industrial park is the e-con AG heating plant. It has a total capacity of 16.5 megawatts. The central component of the energy supply is the 3.3 megawatt woodchip boiler, which covers around 80 percent of the total heat requirement from the renewable fuel wood. Consumption peaks are covered by two peak-load boilers using redundant gas and oil firing. In addition, electricity for the heating plant is generated by a highly efficient combined heat and power plant. “This means that security of supply for the connected companies is always guaranteed. Even more: an expansion of the local heating network and thus the supply of further companies in the industrial area Memmingen North is possible at any time,” explains Peter Waizenegger, CEO of e-con AG.
As a specialist for energy consulting and contracting, e-con AG develops resource-saving and sustainable energy concepts that are individually adapted to local requirements. The focus is on heating and cooling with renewable energies. These concepts are then implemented by Alois Müller GmbH. “In this way, we can offer solutions from a single source that are optimally coordinated. This is an enormous advantage for our customers,” explains Andreas Müller, Managing Director of Alois Müller GmbH. In addition to energy efficiency, cost efficiency is also a decisive factor in the development of each individual concept.