Industrial and commercial enterprises as well as residential builders in Memmingen have been demonstrating how the energy revolution works since as early as 2009. By using regenerative sources, together they save the equivalent of one million litres of heating oil and simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions by 2000 tonnes.
By the ten-year anniversary, a total savings of 5 million litres of heating oil was achieved, which amounts to 238 fuel tankers, 12,500 tonnes of CO2 or a mid-class car driving output of about 73,529,412 km.

The intelligent, cutting-edge local heating concept
Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
The central generation of energy in the local heating network means resource-conserving and sustainable heat for the users. The cutting-edge concept model ensures a high degree of efficiency and enough flexibility so that the latest innovations can be taken into account at any time. But the Memmingen local heating concept is capable of even more! It provides the participating companies with unbeatable advantages:
e-con AG takes over all of the maintenance and repairs. Reliability of the supply thanks to 24/7 support, heat quality and time savings at a fixed price – regardless of future modifications to the basic legal conditions.
This eliminates the need for high investment and labour costs.
Extending the local heating network and supplying additional companies is possible at any time in the Memmingen North Industrial Area.
Contact us – we would be glad to hear from you.
Having started with three companies: Dachser SE, Goldhofer AG and Pfeifer Holding GmbH & Co. KG, the local heating network now has 10 Memmingen companies connected to it. And the expansion is continuing.
Sustainable and reliable supply of power
Wood biomass
The heart of the energy supply is a 3.3-megawatt wood chip boiler, which covers 80 percent of the heat requirements from wood, a regional and regenerative fuel. The heat is distributed from the centrally located heating plant to the participating companies through the local heating network routed underground.
The legal requirements for the German Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG), German Energy Savings Ordinance (EnEV) or a CO2 tax are directly fulfilled by the unbeatable primary energy factor.
Wood as an energy source is 100 percent renewable and ensures regional value creation. Our supplier for wood chips is located within just 15 kilometres.
The power is in the heating plant.
- Power from woodchip boiler: 3500 kilowatts
- Power from combined heat and power plant: 20 kW electric and 40 kW thermal
- Peak-load boiler: 13,000 kilowatts
- Buffer tank: 100,000 litres
- Heat generation/year: 9500 MWh
- Wood chip storage capacity: 7500 loose cubic metres
- Length of pipeline network: 3.2 km
- Capacity of water network: 200,000 litres

The Memmingen heating plant has been generating environmentally friendly heat
from local biomass since 2009.
Our answer to the energy revolution. Regional and sustainable.
German Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP (AGFW) certificate
The AGFW certification of the German Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP (AGFW) ensures that we supply you with cost-effective district heating over the long term in district heating pipeline construction.
Honoured with the LEW Innovation Award.
LEW, a hydroelectric power company, boosts the spirit of invention and actual ideas in the area of sustainable climate protection and energy efficiency.
Pioneers in local heating network supply
Thanks to the innovators
We owe special thanks to the team of founders and the initiators who have made the “Memmingen heating plant” project possible to begin with:
- Alois Müller GmbH
Andreas Müller - Dachser SE
Thomas Henkel and Reiner Henkel - Goldhofer AG
Stefan Fuchs, Franz Bilmayer and Alois Rothermel - Pfeifer Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Gerhard Pfeifer and Peter Pointner
Visible in the panorama: Dachser SE, Goldhofer AG and Pfeifer Holding GmbH & Co. KG. The heating plant is in the centre, where the former turf can still be seen here.