With our expertise as an energy supplier and network operator, we offer you the design and planning of heat and refrigeration networks as well as power stations for companies and municipalities.
“Supply reliability is top priority” is our slogan. You benefit from our experience as a long-time heat supplier and we guarantee the highest level of reliability.
Thanks to the option of cost-effectively integrating regenerative energies and cogeneration, it is possible to ensure compliance with the requirements of the German Energy Savings Ordinance (EnEV) and the German Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG). Where applicable, grants and subsidies can even be taken advantage of. We also aim to ensure low construction costs, low costs for support, service and maintenance as well as cost-efficient and redundant heat generation plants for the customer.
The AGFW certification of the German Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP (AGFW) ensures that we supply you with cost-effective district heating over the long term in district heating pipeline construction.
As early as the planning phase, it is possible to ensure that systems are flexible and will allow for additions. The low construction costs for the customer, the low costs for support, service and maintenance as well as the minimum required operating space for the heating technology also speak for themselves.
On the basis of high quality, the AGFW rules and regulations increasingly represent the state of the art of technology for the European district heating sector. This is how we guarantee the highest level of security!
Use of district and local heating networks:
- Communities
- Industrial facilities
- Airports
- Integration of combined heat and power (CHP) systems
- Integration of combined cooling, heat and power (CHP) systems
- Integration of biogas waste heat