e-con local heating network for Dickenreishausen grows
Secure and sustainable heat supply for now and the future
A few days ago, there was a great response at the Cube Store Lucky Bike. Numerous citizens came to find out about the e-con local heating network and the connection options. e-con has developed a local heating network for the district, which in the future will be able to supply all households with heat from renewable energy.
Why should a community decide in favor of its own local heating network? What are the benefits for the residents? And how does the plan become a functioning heating operation? Questions like these were answered at the information event. As a partner for the energy turnaround, e-con had organized the event together with the Dickenreishausen energy team consisting of: Richard Wiblishauser, Christine Hasel, Karl-Heinz Radke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Buchberger, Gerhard Bachmayer, Patrick Ihm, Christian Bair invited to learn more about the project.
Renewable and sustainable heat has already been flowing in the Memmingen district of Dickenreishausen since the end of 2022. e-con has laid a local heating network there, and 34 new and existing buildings already have a house connection. The heart of the system is the company’s own heating center, which is supplied with waste heat from the biogas plant operated by Hans-Martin Geiger and Manfred Honold since 2006. As a result, up to 90% of the buildings can be heated in a climate-friendly and energy-efficient manner.
The first construction section of the heat line runs from the new development area via An der Hofet to Am Badhaus. The other construction phases will follow successively: Hinter den Gärten, Volkratshofer Weg, Am Kohlplatz, Tannenmähderweg, Am Ziegelstadel, Oberer Prielweg, Dickenreishauser Stadtweg, Unterer Prielweg, Schreinergasse, Unterdorfstraße, Am Zehntstadel and Wangerstraße.
The information event was followed by a tour of the energy center in operation and two transfer stations already in operation. “We would like to offer the citizens thereby local warmth to the look and touch and on our project of the climaticcareful and lasting heat production to make attentive”, points e-con local warmth project manager Thilo bear out.
“The direct proximity of the biogas plant to the village center was the unique opportunity to use the already existing waste heat. We did not want to let this opportunity of a decentralized and climate-friendly energy solution pass by. With this project, the district becomes less dependent on fossil fuels and makes an enormous contribution to climate protection. The concept of regional added value, secure heat supply and affordable price is a complete success at this point, regardless of the current global political situation,” says Peter Waizenegger, CEO of e-con.
For the households, which can be attached to lasting and regionally aligned local heat networks, many advantages result. Those who connect no longer have to worry about fuel procurement, boiler maintenance, chimney cleaning or environmental protection requirements. The installation of their own heating system becomes superfluous. There is no need for advance financing of fuels, and local heating is stable in price. Experience shows: Fluctuations in the energy market have only a minor effect.
In addition to the investment, e-con also takes care of the maintenance, servicing and operation of the heating center and the distribution network. “We have planned the heating center so that it can grow as needed. Gradually, we want to supply the entire district with environmentally friendly local heating. Currently, we have a connection rate of almost 43%. This will save around 760 tons of CO2 per year and substitute more than 287,000 liters of heating oil,” explains e-con local heating project manager Thilo Bär.
It is also possible to have only a partial connection laid to the building in the first step, so that a house connection can be activated at a later time without any problems. This is recommended not only for owners of fossil-fuel heating systems, but also for those who want to remain flexible in the future. Last but not least, in addition to all the practical aspects, there is always the good feeling of doing something for the environment and thus for future generations with climate-friendly heating.
We continue to offer personal consultation appointments at your building in order to show you the advantages of a local heating supply. For this purpose, we are available every Monday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and every Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
In the next few weeks, we will begin implementing the local heating expansion for the above-mentioned areas for 2023.
Do you have questions or are you interested in connecting to the local heating network? Further information is available at www.nahwaerme-dickenreishausen.de or directly from project manager Thilo Bär at 08331 75041-0 or thilo.baer@econ-ag.com.