Local heating network in Neue Priel, Amendingen

Starting in 2019, family-friendly single-family homes have been getting built adjacent to a growing residential area on the northern edge of Memmingen-Amendingen. The heart of the energy concept is our local heating network for the development area with a total of 38 single-family homes. The efficient power supply concept is based on a connected and…

Dickenreishausen local heating network

A district heating network for a development area is currently under construction in the Dickenreishausen district of Memmingen. The network is supplied by an existing biogas plant with a CHP system that has a thermal output of approx. 450 kW. The waste heat supplies a development area with 25 building connections; an advance extension for…

Normal- und Schnellladestationen für mehr Effizienz Smart Charging

e-con story board | Smart charging

Electric mobility and charging infrastructure may be in their most exciting phase yet. It is possible that they will become critical components of the energy transformation. In our story “Smart charging,” we introduce you to integrative, intelligent charging solutions for e-mobility with a systematic approach. Contact person for this project and for electric mobility and…